15 août 2006: Lame Grits are desperate

Here’s a press release received today:

For Immediate Release
August 15, 2006

Conservative M.I.A. Caucus
The Young Liberals of Canada want YOU to Join a Political Photo Scavenger Hunt Win a free iPod!
Out of deep concern for these missing MPs, the Young Liberals of Canada has issued a challenge to all Canadians: track down the missing in action Conservatives for fun and profit!
If you can spot them, send a recent live or photoshop- created photo of any of the Conservative M.I.A. Caucus members to […], by September 4th, for the chance to win an iPod!

The Table Officers of the Young Liberals will pick the winning photo. Preference will go to recent in-person photographs. Please make sure to respect their privacy as much as Pierre Poilievre respects Parliament (extra points if you get an obscene gesture from him).


For more information:
Scott Pickup
National Director
Young Liberals of Canada

If that’s the game rules, where’s my genuine stoned Paul Martin picture? (Yes, I have one for real.) Being desperate that much is really, really not the way to make me changing my mind and voting for you for a first time ever.

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