Area code 701 - State of North Dakota
(GCI, GTE, Opticom, Phonetel, QWest: 50¢ per local call)
Belfield, North Dakota, USA
Theodore Roosevelt National Park visitor center, Interstate 94, Exit 32
Bismarck, North Dakota, USA
Eastbound Apple Creek rest area (10 miles east of Bismarck on Interstate 29)
Dickenson, North Dakota, USA
"Amoco" gas station, 450-12 St. West:
Drayton, North Dakota, USA
Alexander Henes rest area, Interstate 29 (8 miles south of Drayton)
701-454-9528 |
701-454-9529 |
Fargo, North Dakota, USA
"Stop N' Go" Gas Station, 12nd NW & Interstate 29 North
Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA
"Conoco" gas station, Interstate 29 South:
701-772-9011 |
701-772-9018 (Charge-A-Call phone) |
"Holiday" gas station, off Interstate 29 North
701-772-9856 (into the station itself) |
701-772-9859 (in the parking lot) |
Simonson Travel Center, Interstate 29 South
701-746-9996 |
701-746-9997 |
701-746-9998 |
Hillsboro, North Dakota, USA
Rest area, North Interstate 29:
Metigoshe, North Dakota, USA
Dunseith US Customs offices, US Highway 281 / Manitoba, Canada Hwy 10
(SRT Comm.):
Minot, North Dakota, USA
"Holiday" gas station, Broadway, off US 52
New Town, North Dakota, USA
"Cenex" gas station, Highway 23
(Reservation Telephone Cooperative - RTC):
"C-Store" gas station (near "Four Bears Casino"), Highway 20, westside of Missouri River bridge
Main St. & East St. (near Soo Line 451 steam locomotive)
701-627-9440 |
701-627-9442 |
Pembina, North Dakota, USA
Pembina State Museum, Interstate 29 North @ Manitoba, Canada border