Area code 613 - Eastern Ontario

Belleville, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 343 - 263, 270, 355, 362
NPA 613 -210, 242, 243, 391, 403, 438, 480, 554, 661, 689, 707, 743, 771, 779, 813, 827, 847, 848, 849, 885, 902, 919, 920, 921, 922, 961, 962, 966, 967, 968, 969, 970)

Greyhound bus depot, 305 Bell Blvd.:
613-969-9236 613-969-9395

Brockville, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 343 - 264, 300
NPA 613 - 213, 246, 340, 341, 342, 345, 349, 423, 498, 499, 556, 640, 704, 802, 803, 865)

"A & P" grocery store:
613-498-9742 613-498-9744

Waterfront park and marina:
613-498-9892 613-498-9944

Chalk River, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 613 - 589)

Restaurant, Highway 17:
613-589-9908 613-589-9915

Cornwall, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 343 - 356, 370, 885
NPA 613 - 209, 330, 360, 361, 362, 363, 505, 551, 571, 577, 662, 703, 861, 870, 930, 931, 932, 933, 935, 936, 937, 938)

Cornwall Bus Depot, Tollgate Rd.:
613-936-9768 613-936-9857

Cornwall Square shopping centre:
613-936-9355 613-936-9832 613-936-9833
613-936-9381 613-936-9266

Deep River, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 613 - 584)

Canadian Tire, Highway 17:
613-584-7742 (outside wall booth)

Petro-Canada Gas Station, 33 311 Highway 17:
613-584-7721 (outdoor booth)

Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 613 - 306, 307, 632, 636)

Econo gas station, Main and Hamilton:
613-632-2486 (?)

Liquidation gigantesque store:

Giant Tiger store:

Main Street (in front of LCBO):
613-632-7904 613-632-7973

Kingston, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 343 - 266, 290, 333, 358, 363, 364, 477, 884
NPA 613 - 214, 217, 305, 328, 329, 331, 344, 384, 389, 417, 449, 453, 483, 484, 507, 514, 530, 531, 532, 533, 536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 561, 572, 583, 634, 650, 766, 767, 770, 776, 777, 817, 840, 856, 876, 877, 887, 888, 893, 900, 929, 985)

Kingston Bus Depot:
613-531-0060 613-531-0061 613-531-0062
613-531-0063 613-531-0064 613-531-0103
613-531-0104 613-531-0105 613-548-0759(platform door)

Former CP Station:
613-548-0232 (british booth) 613-548-0061 613-548-0831

Lancaster, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 613 - 313, 347)

"Esso" gas station - Curry Hill Truck Stop, SDG Highway 23 at Exit 825, Highway 401 West:
613-347-9087 (near washrooms)

"Esso" gas station, 4th Line (Exit 825, Highway 401 West) (gone?):
613-347-2473 (booth)

Lancaster Travel Centre (Highway 401 West @ Quebec border / Exit 825):
613-347-9011 613-347-9012 613-347-9013
613-347-9014 613-347-9077 613-347-9096

Mallorytown, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 613 - 923, 973)

Westbound Highway 401 Service Area:
613-923-8813 613-923-8823 613-923-8828
613-923-8836 613-923-8868 613-923-8898

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 343 - 203, 291, 360, 700, 777, 882, 883, 887, 925
NPA 613 - 203, 204, 212, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 252, 255, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 274, 276, 277, 282, 286, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 301, 302, 304, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 327, 350, 355, 356, 357, 364, 366, 368, 369, 371, 380, 400, 402, 404, 406, 407, 408, 410, 413, 415, 416, 421, 422, 437, 447, 454, 482, 500, 501, 513, 515, 518, 520, 521, 523, 526, 552, 558, 560, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 569, 580, 581, 593, 594, 596, 597, 598, 600, 601, 604, 606, 607, 608, 612, 614, 615, 617, 618, 619, 620, 627, 656, 660, 667, 668, 670, 680, 683, 686, 688, 690, 691, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 709, 710, 712, 715, 716, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 733, 734, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 755, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 765, 768, 769, 773, 778, 780, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 816, 818, 820, 828, 829, 842, 844, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 857, 858, 859, 860, 862, 863, 864, 866, 867, 868, 869, 875, 878, 880, 882, 883, 884, 889, 890, 891, 894, 897, 898, 899, 901, 903, 904, 907, 909, 910, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 934, 939, 940, 941, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 951, 952, 953, 954, 956, 957, 960, 971, 978, 979, 981, 983, 986, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999)

Bank St. & Catherine St. corner:

Bank St. & Slater St. corner, northbound bus stop:

"Bank" Transitway station:
613-238-0967 (corner Albert St. & Bank St.) 613-238-0984 (corner Albert St. & Bank St.) 613-780-9240 (corner Slater St. & Bank St., eastbound)
613-780-9990 (corner Albert St. & Bank St. westbound) 613-780-9991 (corner Albert St. & Bank St. westbound)

"Barefax" club, Byward Market:

"Baseline" Transitway station, Woodroffe Ave. (Across the street from Algonquin college):

"Bayview" Transitway / O-Train station:
613-569-6014 613-569-6737

"Blair" Transitway station:
613-748-0868 613-748-3014 613-748-9333

Byward Market (Marche By) area:
613-241-2389 613-241-3926 613-241-5099
613-241-5525 613-241-6785 613-241-9280
613-244-2314 613-244-3599 613-244-3600
613-789-9879 613-789-9882 613-789-9883

"Campus" Transitway station (University of Ottawa):

Capital Info-Centre, 90 Wellington St (facing Canada's Parliament buildings):
613-780-9901 613-780-9907 613-780-9918

"Carling" O-Train station:

Central station (Greyhound / Voyageur Colonial bus depot), Catherine St.:
613-780-9121 613-780-9120 613-780-9119
613-780-9118 613-780-9146 613-780-9147
613-780-9148 613-780-9135 613-780-9142
613-780-9143 613-780-9144 613-780-9132
613-780-9137 613-780-9138 613-780-9150 (outside)
613-780-9153 613-780-9153 613-780-9133
613-780-9154 613-780-9139 613-780-9141
613-780-9233 613-780-9131 613-780-9142

C. Station:

"Clarica" building, 99 Bank St. (corner Queen St.):
613-234-3638 613-234-7519 613-234-7789
613-238-0780 613-238-0782 613-569-1960

Dalhousie St. & St. Patrick St.:

Elmvale shopping centre:
613-737-0032 613-737-0039 613-737-9950

"Esso" gas station, Montreal Rd. & Vanier Pkwy (Operated by AT&T Canada):

"Hurdman" Transitway station:
613-737-0047 613-737-9156 613-737-9529
613-260-5422 613-521-1982

Gina's Cafe, Bank Street, near Catherine St. & Queensway:
613-238-9026 (centurion payphone)

Gloucester High School, 2060 Ogilvie Rd:
613-748-9345 613-748-9375

"Greenboro" Transitway / O-Train station:
(Note: Many of the following payphones have been removed by the phone company.)
613-739-5009 613-737-9589

"La Cite Collegiale" community college, 800 Aviation Parkway:
613-744-4563 (block "I", ground level) 613-744-8235 (block "I", ground level) 613-741-2730 (block "D", 2nd floor)
613-741-2804 (block "D", 2nd floor) 613-741-2924 (block "B") 613-741-2925 (block "B")
613-741-2509 (block "B") 613-741-2490 (block "B") 613-741-2814 (block "B")
613-741-9029 (block "B") 613-741-9646 (block "B") 613-741-9063 (block "B")
613-741-9285 (block "B") 613-741-9351 (block "B") 613-741-2395 ("Carson Rd." entrance, block "C")
613-741-1818 ("Carson Rd." entrance, block "C") 613-741-9658 (block "F") 613-741-9662 (block "F")

Laurier Ave. East & Cumberland Ave.:

"L'Esplanade Laurier" shopping centre / building, 171-181 Bank St.:
613-238-0576 613-238-0613 613-238-0727
613-238-0729 613-238-0730 613-238-0731
613-238-0732 613-238-9657 613-238-9658
613-238-9659 613-238-9660 613-238-9661
613-238-9662 613-238-0728 613-239-0032
613-239-0033 613-239-0034

"Lord Elgin" hotel, 100 Elgin St. (near Sparks St.):
613-780-9034 (lobby) 613-780-9035 (lobby) 613-780-9036 (lobby)
613-780-9037 (lobby)

"Mackenzie King" Transitway station (between Canadian Army HQ & Rideau Centre):

"McDonald's" restaurant, 73-77 Bank St. (near Sparks St.):

"McDonald's" restaurant, 1795 St.Laurent St. (near Sci. & Tech. Museum):

Murray St. & Sussex St.:

O'Connor St. (between 2nd Ave & 3rd Ave):

Ottawa Public Library - main branch, 120 Metcalfe St.:
613-238-0002 (lobby) 613-238-0273 (outside) 613-238-9338 (lobby)
613-238-9341 (lobby) 613-238-9346 (outside)

Ottawa (Via Rail) train station, Du Tremblay Rd. (Off Expy. 417):
613-238-0851 (Westside - By Burger King) 613-238-0852 (Westside - By Burger King) 613-238-0857 (Westside - By Burger King)
613-238-0858 (Eastside - By the first class lounge) 613-238-0859 (westside - By Burger King) 613-238-0862 (TTY-westside)
613-238-0720 (By the first class lounge) 613-238-0631 (Westside - By Burger King) 613-239-0340 (westside)
613-244-1980 (By the first class lounge) 613-569-6453 (Internet booth KPO2118) 613-780-9202 (Westside -desktop millennium)
613-780-9921 (desktop millennium) 613-780-9967 (Westside - desktop Millennium)

"Rideau Centre" shopping centre:
(Eastbound Rideau St.
OC Transpo platform)
(Eastbound Rideau St.
transit platform)
613-569-9061 613-569-9042 613-569-9043
613-569-9083 613-569-9084 613-569-9085
613-569-9086 613-569-9087 613-569-9088
613-567-2291 613-565-5213 613-569-9038
613-569-9039 613-569-9040 613-569-9041
613-565-5043 613-565-8679 613-569-9069
613-569-9070 613-569-9078 613-569-9079
613-569-9056 613-569-9057 613-569-9066
613-569-9067 613-569-9068 613-569-9058
613-569-9059 613-569-9063 613-569-9064
613-569-9065 613-569-9075 613-569-9076
613-569-9077 613-569-9080 613-569-9081
613-569-9082 613-569-9051 613-569-9052
613-569-9053 613-569-9044 613-569-9045
613-569-9046 613-569-9047 613-569-9048
613-569-9049 613-569-9050 613-569-9054
613-569-9055 613-569-9032 613-569-9033
613-569-9034 613-569-9035 613-569-9036
613-569-9037 613-562-9082
OC Transpo shelter)

Rideau Street & Dalhousie Street:
613-241-5492 (outside the former "The Factory" night club) 613-241-6447 (Outside a shop a few feet east of Dalhousie)

"St.Laurent" Transitway station (aka the subway station):
613-748-1821 613-748-5931 613-748-9217
613-748-9248 613-748-9946 613-748-9948

"St.Laurent" shopping centre, St.Laurent & Queensway (expy. 417):
613-741-1014 613-746-3478 613-746-7350
613-746-8089 613-748-9001 613-748-9002
613-748-9003 613-748-9006 613-748-9037
613-748-9048 613-748-9062 613-748-9065
613-748-9067 613-748-9091 613-748-9136
613-748-9138 613-748-9141 613-748-9158
613-748-9171 613-748-9187 613-748-9199
613-748-9223 613-748-9244 613-748-9245
613-748-9331 613-748-9343 613-748-9380
613-748-9416 613-748-9482 613-748-9493
613-748-9904 613-748-9908 613-748-9917
613-748-9929 613-748-9942 613-748-9947
613-748-9964 613-748-9978 613-748-9982
613-748-9983 613-748-9984 613-748-9985

"Shell" gas station, Montreal Rd. & River Road (Vanier Pkwy):

"The Bay" departement store, 73 Rideau St. (Byward Market):
613-562-1986 (George St. entrance) 613-562-1987(3rd floor, passage to Rideau Centre) 613-562-1989 (Rideau St. entrance)
613-562-9065 (Outside of George St. entrance) 613-562-9071(Outside of George St. entrance) 613-562-9195 (George St. entrance)
613-562-9196 (George St. entrance) 613-562-9197 (George St. entrance) 613-562-9199 (George St. entrance)

Strandhead Transitway station and Park & ride, Barrhaven:

Trim Transitway station and Park & ride:

"240 Sparks St." building:
613-238-0781 613-238-9075 613-238-9076
613-238-9077 613-238-9078 613-238-9082
613-238-9083 613-238-9084

"World Exchange Plaza" buiding, 111 Albert St. East:
613-780-9024 613-780-9025 613-780-9028.

Pembroke, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 343 - 369
NPA 613 - 281, 312, 401, 504, 559, 585, 602, 629, 631, 633, 635, 638, 639, 717, 732, 735, 775)

"Irving" gas station, Paul Martin Dr. (Off Highway 17):
613-732-9040 613-735-9138 613-735-9613
613-735-9661 613-735-9669

Value Village store:

Tweed, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 613 - 478)

Actinolite Log Cabin restaurant, Hwys 7 & 37, Actinolite:
613-478-9918 613-478-9903 (Credit Card)

Rockland, Ontario, Canada (Bell Canada)

(NPA 613 - 419, 446)

"Mr.Gas" gas station, Highway 17:



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