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6100 (Ex-CN 6100, D200 - Sold to DART) | 6101 (Ex-CN 6101, D201 - Sold to QNSL 6101) | 6102 (Ex-CN 6102, D102 - Sold to BCOL) | X | 6104 (Ex-CN 6104, D104 - Sold to DART) | 6105 (Ex-CN 6105, D105 - Sold to IRSI) | 6106 (Ex-CN 6106, D106 - Sold to DART) | 6107 (Ex-CN 6107, D107 - Sold to IRSI) | 6108 (Ex-CN 6108, D108 - Stored) | 6109 (Ex-CN 6109, C&EI RDC1 - Sold to Cuba) |
6110 (Ex-CN 6110, Budd 2960 - Sold to FMRC) | 6111 (Ex-CN 6111, B&M 6111 - Sold to FMRC) | 6112 (Ex-CN 6112, B&M 6110 - Sold to DART) | 6113 (Ex-CN 6113, B&M 6119 - Sold to FMRC) | 6114 (Ex-CN 6114, B&M 6121 - Sold to IRSI) | 6115 (Ex-CN 6115, B&M 6116 - Sold to QNSL 6115) | 6116 (Ex-CN 6116, B&M 6107 - Retired) | 6117 (Ex-CN 6117, B&M 6108 - Sold to AMF Tr.) | 6118 (Ex-CN 6118, B&M 6106 - Sold to FMRC) | 6119 (Ex-CN 6119, GTW D353 - Sold to IRSI) |
6120 (Ex-CN 6120, D352 - Sold to Cuba) | 6121 (Ex-CN 6121, D100 - Sold to QNSL 6121, to TTSF 6121, to OEXX 6121) | 6122 (Ex-CN 6122, D201 - Sold to IRSI - Scrapped) | 6123 (Ex-CP 9063 - Sold to DART) | 6124 (Ex-CP 9049, DSS&A 500 - Sold to Cuba) | 6125 (Ex-CP 9302, 9199 - Sold to QNSL 6125, to TTSF 6125, OEXX 6125) | 6126 (Ex-CP 9059, DAR 9059 - Sold to DART) | 6127 (Ex-CP 9062 - Sold to DART) | 6128 (Ex-CP 9051 - Sold to BCOL) | 6129 (Ex-CP 9056 - Sold to DART) |
6130 (Ex-CP 9057 - Sold to FMRC) | 6131 (Ex-CP 9070 - Sold to DART) | 6132 (Ex-CP 9055 - Sold to Cuba) | 6133 (Ex-CP 9058, DAR 9058) | 6134 (1) 6134 (2) 6134 (3) 6134 (4) (Ex-CP 9065 - Retired) | 6135 (1) 6135 (2) 6135 (3) 6135 (4) (Ex-CP 9072 - OOS/Unserv.) | 6136 (Ex-CP 9067 - Sold to IRSI) | 6137 (Ex-CP 9050 - Sold to IRSI - Parting Out) | 6138 (Ex-CP 9309, 9101 - Sold to FMRC) | 6139 (Ex-CP 9064 - Sold to DART) |
6140 (Ex-CP 9308, 9194 - To QC 6140) | 6141 (Ex-CP 9071 - Sold to DART) | 6142 (Ex-CP 9061 - Sold to DART) | 6143 (Ex-CP 9306, LV 41 - Sold to IRSI) | 6144 (Ex-CN 6350, CN D101 - Retired) | 6145 (Ex-CP 9303, 9110 - Sold to DART) | 6146 (Ex-CP 9300, 9102 - Retired) | 6147 (Ex-CP 9307, 9100 - Sold to Cuba) | 6148 (Ex-CP 9305, 9114) | 9053 (nee¨CP 9053 - Retired) |
6200 (ex-CN 6200, D250 - Sold to IRSI) | X | 6202 (ex-CN 6202, D202 - Sold to IRSI) | 6203 (ex-CN 6203, D203 - Sold to QNSL 6203) | 6204 (ex-CN 6204, D204 - Sold to IRSI) | 6205 (ex-CN 6205, D205) | 6206 (ex-CN 6206, BM 6200 - Sold to IRSI - Scrapped) | 6207 (ex-CN 6207, CP 9104 - Sold to IRSI - Scrapped) | 6208 (ex-CN 6208, CP 9195 - Sold to IRSI) | 6209 (ex-CN 6209, CP 9196 - Retired) |
6210 (ex-CN 6210, CP 9197 - Retired) | 6211 (ex-CP 9112 - Sold to BCOL) | 6212 (ex-CP 9105 - Sold to IRSI) | 6213 (ex-CP 9103 - Sold to IRSI - Scrapped) | 6214 (Ex-CP 9106 - Sold to FMRC) | 6215 (Ex-CP 9107) | 6216 (ex-CP 9022 - Sold to IRSI - Parting Out) | 6217 (ex-CP 9115 - Sold to IRSI) | 6218 (ex-CN 6355, DWP D301 - Sold to QNSL 6218) | 6219 (ex-CP 9111 - Sold to IRSI) |
6220 (ex-CN 6302, D302 - Sold to IRSI) | 6221 (ex-CN 6356, MKT 20 - Sold to IRSI - Scrapped) | 6222 (ex-CP 9021 - Sold to IRSI - Scrapped) | 6223 (ex-CP 9024 - Sold to IRSI - Scrapped) | 6224 (ex-CP 9023 - Sold to IRSI - Parting Out) | 6225 (ex-CN 6351, D351 - Sold to CAD) | 6250 (Ex-VIA 6450) | 9113 (ex-CP 9113 - Retired) |
6401 (ex-CN 6401, D401 - Retired) | 6450 (ex-CN 6450, D450, 151 - To VIA 6250) | 6453 (ex-CN 6453, D150 - Retired) | 6475 (ex-CN 6475, D402 - Retired) | 9200 (Ex-CP 9200 - Retired) | 9250 (Ex-CP 9250 - Retired) | 9251 (Ex-CP 9251 - Retired) |
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